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Grants - English Ceramic Circle


ECC GRANTS 2023-24

After the success of our inaugural Research Grants Programme in 2021-22, the ECC is delighted to announce that it will be offering up 3 grants of £1000 each for new research dedicated to the study of British ceramics for 2023-24.

We are seeking applications from members and non-members alike to assist new research on ceramics and enamels made or decorated in the British Isles from c.1600 to the present day. In order to award as many applications as possible the committee are pleased to announce that we will be offering 3 grants each to the maximum amount of £1000. The application process opens on 1 June 2023 and the window for applications closes on 1 September 2023. The Committee will review applications and make the final decision on funding by 30 September 2023 with grant applicants being informed about the decision shortly afterwards. Successful applicants are asked to have completed their research within 12-18 months and will be invited to present their findings to an ECC members meeting, ideally in Autumn 2024 or Spring 2025, with publication in the next volume of ECC’s Transactions (mid-2025).

ECC grants are made possible by the generosity of those members who have made additional membership contributions to the ECC – we are very grateful for the additional support from those who can afford and desire to do so. Any member wishing to help contribute in this way can contact Jonathan Gray at [email protected] 


Grant Funding – Terms and Conditions

Grant funding is subject to the following terms and conditions.

1) A project must be original research, not previously published.

2) The applicant accepts the invitation to present their findings to an ECC members meeting and submit the paper for publication in the ECC’s Transactions as per the above timescales. If the work is published again later, or in a different/expanded form, the grant recipient should acknowledge the ECC’s initial support and funding in that publication or other output.

3) If the applicant is employed by an organisation related to the field of ceramics or enamels, confirmation of support by the applicant’s employee/organisation is desirable.

4) The ECC requires the establishment of mutually agreed milestones to enable the Committee to review progress at time(s) of its choosing.

5) A short research summary must be provided to the ECC within one year of the grant award (or at different timing as agreed), unless an extension of time is approved by the ECC committee. Failure to meet the agreed project milestones may require repayment by the recipient of all or part of the granted monies.

6) International grant recipients will receive their funding in GBP£.

7) We welcome applications from members and non-members alike but if you are not a member and are successful in being awarded a grant, then we ask that you join the ECC. Membership rates are generally £45, or £20 for those 35 and under.

If you have any questions about the grant application form or the process, please contact the Chair of the Grants Committee Dr Caroline McCaffrey-Howarth on [email protected]

All applications must be received by 1 September 2023

June 2023


“So pleased to have had the generous support of the English Ceramic Circle, the leading society for the study of British ceramics. The grant contributes to expenses arising from research on the ceramics catalogue of a collection created by the Rev. Edwin Jarvis, around 1873-76, which is now at Doddington Hall in Lincolnshire. The bonus of an ECC grant is that it helps to build an audience for the research through an online presentation, publication in the Transactions and announcements in their widely-read newsletter.”
Patricia F. Ferguson, ECC Grant recipient 2021-22
“”The ECC grant deepened my understanding of the materiality of objects I’ve only been able to study from a distance. The opportunity for close analysis of domestic objects at the V&A along with conversations and interviews with brilliant curators, scholars, and collectors transformed how I work with ceramic objects. I am deeply grateful.
Dr Tricia Matthew, ECC Grant recipient 2021-22

Questions & Answers

We have included answers to some of the common questions to assist your application:

  • Why do we ask that papers are presented to an ECC members meeting and then published in Transactions? This is driven by our charitable objectives, which are “To advance the public knowledge and appreciation of ceramics and enamels manufactured, decorated or used in the British Isles. To promote research and study in all matters relating to ceramics and enamels manufactured, decorated, or used in the British Isles and to disseminate the useful knowledge gained for the public benefit”.
  • Can I apply for funding for ceramics used in the British Isles, but not made there? Whilst the ECC’s scope includes items used in the British Isles, we have decided to focus this first grant programme on items manufactured and/or decorated in the British Isles.
  • Who can apply? We welcome applications from anyone – member or non-member alike – with an interest in the study of British ceramics and enamels made c1600 to the present day. If you receive a grant as a non-member, we will want you to join the ECC. The only people who cannot apply are members of the ECC Committee.
  • You say the research period is one-year – how flexible is this? We will prioritise applicants who can complete their study in a year to eighteen months
  • Would I need to present in person – I am based overseas? We can use Zoom for your presentation if you are unable to get to London.
  • What costs can I apply for? The purpose of these grants is to assist scholars by providing funds for some of the expenses associated with research. Such expenses may include study trips, archive visits, exhibition visits/research, the costs of photography, photocopies, and travel/accommodation (bed and breakfast) etc. Please base any travel costs on economy travel and reasonable hotel/accommodation options. Monies received under these grants should not to be used for: subsidies for publications; purchase of equipment/books; or any photographic material not required for use in the grantee’s project; travel to conferences or meetings; expenses of the grantee’s family; underwriting the costs of photography for museum-owned or ceramics in one’s own institution; salaries for the grantee or associated contributors.
  • Will I receive all the money I ask for? The Committee has agreed an overall grant fund of £3,000 for three separate grants of £1,000 each.
  • Will I receive all the money at once? Our preference is to pay any agreed grant in one lump sum, soon after approval. In exceptional circumstances, we reserve the right to stagger payments.
  • What happens if the successful applicant(s) do not spend all the money? We ask that any money not spent on research is returned to the ECC.
  • Where is the money coming from? The ECC has for some years offered additional levels of membership for those that wish and can make an additional contribution. Such monies are held in reserve and contribute a little over half of this grant fund.  We are most grateful to those members who were able to provide this additional support. Any member who is interested in helping the ECC by increasing their level of membership contribution should contact the Treasurer at [email protected] The remainder of the funding is money we have not spent on London meetings given the Covid-19 lockdown.
  • Will the ECC run similar grant programmes in future years? We will make future decisions based on the success of this programme, the financial position of the ECC and its priorities.
  • I know someone who is not a member of the ECC – how can they get hold of the application forms? Send them the link to this page of our website.



English Ceramic Circle

Registered Charity #1097063 in England and Wales