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Membership - English Ceramic Circle

Become a member

General Membership


35 and Under Membership (£20 donation)

By becoming a member of the ECC, you will join an organisation where you can enhance your knowledge of ceramics. The ECC is very welcoming and helpful to new members whatever their level of knowledge. At our regular meetings, seminars, visits to museum reserve collections, and members’ collections, you will meet the world’s ceramic experts. Our annual Journal, Transactions, contains the latest research and our Newsletters contain much useful information: ceramic events, new books etc. Lastly the online archive has a full-text search facility of the Journal going back to 1928.

The Circle offers additional levels of membership for those who wish and are able to make an additional contribution – any additional membership fees are used to support the Circle’s additional activities, notably publication and research grants.

General               £45

Standing Order    £39

35 and Under      £20

Friend                 £100

Sponsor              £250

Benefactor          £1000+

This page is for new or renewing members to pay their subscriptions. If you are a new member, Welcome to the ECC. Our membership secretary will contact you soon after we receive your payment.

Standard subscription rates for UK and Overseas Members are: Single (or joint members at same address) £45, Institutions £45

Online Payment

If you wish to apply or renew online you can do this by pressing Buy Now above and you will be directed to a page where you can log in to Paypal or pay by debit or credit card.

Payment by standing order

Members with a UK £ sterling denominated bank account can save £6 by paying their subscription by standing order. If you wish to do this, do not renew here but contact our Treasurer, Barbara Jotham, by clicking here or apply by post enclosing a cheque for £39.00 covering your first payment.

Payment and membership applications by post

If applying by post, print the application form click here and enclose a cheque for £45.00, £39.00, £20.00, £100.00, £250.00 or £1,000+ as per the membership options mentioned above.

The address for postal applications and renewals is: The Treasurer, The English Ceramic Circle, BM Box 7246, London, WC1N 3XX UK

Please consider donating or leaving a legacy to the ECC. If you would like to click here.


GDPR Statement: The English Ceramic Circle complies with the requirements of the EU General Data Protection Regulation. Data is held by only the Treasurer and the Membership Secretary and is used only to communicate matters of interest to members, to solicit subscription renewals, and to mail Transactions and Newsletters to them