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Events Listing - English Ceramic Circle

What’s On


The ECC runs three types of meetings:

1) Member’s meetings – which are generally held in London on Saturdays – we aim to Zoom these and add the recordings onto the member’s section of the ECC website. These are open to members only.

2) Open Zoom meetings – which are available to members and non-members alike. These tend to be on the last Thursday of the month, and start at 6pm. These Zoom meetings do not happen every month, so there are gaps in the programme. The link is circulated about a week in advance.

3) Seminars – open to members and non-members who pay the attendance fee – with members receiving a discounted rate.

If you would like to receive invites to all meetings, the simplest way is to join the ECC. Alternatively, send your email address to the Membership Secretary, [email protected]

19th October 2024, Members’ Meeting, Rembrandt Hotel, London

‘The Pinxton China Factory, 1796-1813, New Research and Attributions’, Nick Gent

‘Minton and the International Exhibitions of the later 19th century’, Tom Smith

‘The Pleasures of Buxton: Ceramics and Hospitality in a Georgian Resort’, Dr David Barker

14th November 2024 at 6pm, (Zoom)

‘A Potted History of Britain’, Dr Julian Richards

7th December 2024 at 6pm, (Zoom)

‘Horace Elliot (1851-1938) – Artist in Pottery’, Jonathan Gray



18th January 2025 at 6pm, (Zoom)

‘”A chemical and artistic triumph”: William Moorcroft and Florian ware’, Jonathan Mallinson


15th February 2025 at 8pm, (Zoom)

‘What did nuns read? Looking at inscriptions on porcelain nuns and monks’, Matthew Martin


Wedgwood Study Day – date, venue and programme to be confirmed


12th April 2025, Members’ Meeting

‘Hubert-François Gravelot, James Cole and early English porcelain’, Simon Spier and Alice Clanachan

‘The Popish Plot and 17th Century English Delftware’, Roger Massey and Anna Burnside


‘The rise and fall of Ashtead Potters Ltd. 1923-1935’, Andy Carter


24th May 2025 time tbc, (Zoom)

‘Ceramics for the Jamaican Market’, Catherine Doucette

The ECC reserves the right to change speakers, venues and dates as needs arise.

If you have offered a paper which is not included above, or you believe there is an error, please contact the Meetings Secretary on [email protected]